About These Certificates:
Need a last minute gift idea? Know someone who loves training who you want to come with you? Want an easy way to start saving toward your own favorite course? The Training Account Builder can help.
How it works:
You can buy "Tokens" in various different amounts. You can purchase as little as $10 up to however much you want. If you are using them for yourself, just send us a message once you have enough to trade in for whatever training you want. We will do everything else on our side. If you want to use them for someone else, simply send us a message and we will register them. We can also send you a custom gift certificate you can place in a card or wrap as a gift.
Special Notes:
There is no expiration on the certificates and can be used for any training . You also transfer them to anyone you like. You can combine them with other discounts, use partial credits, etc. We are as flexible as possible when it comes to you cashing these in.